If you’re like most people, you’ve probably purchased certain goods or services over the years that simply don’t work out as advertised. Unfortunately, certain products are outright misrepresented, and consumers incur significant financial losses as a result. This is known as consumer fraud. If you believe you’re a victim of consumer fraud, contact a competent New York consumer fraud lawyer from Rahman Legal to learn more about what we can do for you.
Consumer Fraud Lawyer | On Your Side
If you were harmed by a dishonest product manufacturer or marketing team, you need a New York consumer lawyer who can effectively fight for the compensation you deserve. Fortunately, you’re in the right place.
Examples of Consumer Fraud
There is a wide range of ways in which a company can deceive or flat-out lie to consumers about its products. Just some of the most common examples of deceptive tactics companies use to get consumers to purchase their products or services are as follows:
- Failing to disclose important information pertaining to a product
- Including important information in fine print that your average consumer wouldn’t see
- Artificially inflating prices
- Claiming a product can do something that it can’t
- Using bait-and-switch tactics
Instances of consumer fraud can occur with virtually all types of goods and services, ranging from car sales, real estate sales/services, home appliance repair services, home improvement contracts, and more.
Grounds for a Consumer Fraud Lawsuit
First, you should note that there are three levels of product misrepresentation: negligent misrepresentation, intentional/fraudulent misrepresentation, and innocent misrepresentation. Negligent misrepresentation refers to carelessly omitting or including untrue information, while intentional misrepresentation refers to when a company knowingly deceives a consumer by including or omitting critical information on purpose. Finally, innocent misrepresentation occurs when a company makes a statement of a material fact believing it to be true, but it isn’t. Think of it as an “honest mistake.”
To win a consumer fraud lawsuit, you’ll have to prove that the representation given was presented as a fact, not an opinion, and that the “fact” was both material and false. Finally, you’ll need to prove that the misrepresentation caused you to incur financial damages.
Contact a Consumer Fraud Lawyer
If you are a victim of consumer fraud, you need a legal team that can help you fight for the full and fair compensation to which you are entitled. We have extensive experience representing victims of consumer fraud, and we’re prepared to put that experience to work for you. Contact Rahman Legal today to schedule your initial consultation with our seasoned legal team.