Scrutinizing the Controversial Tactics of GC Services: Why This Debt Collector Has So Many Complaints

GC Services is one of the largest debt collection agencies in the country, recovering debts for major credit card companies, retailers, and banks. However, behind the company’s huge market presence lies a concerning history riddled with consumer complaints and regulatory sanctions. 

As an investigative journalist for Forbes, I decided to dig deeper into the controversial world of GC Services and uncover why so many complaints have stacked against this industry giant.

Violating the FDCPA and Consumer Protection Laws 

In 2017, the Federal Trade Commission slapped a $700,000 penalty on GC Services for violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), the law that protects consumers against harassment by debt collectors. 

According to the FTC’s complaint, GC Services collectors excessively called debtors multiple times per day, used obscene language, falsely threatened consumers with lawsuits or arrests, and revealed alleged debts to consumers’ employers and family members.

The company failed to notify consumers of their right to dispute debts within 30 days under the FDCPA. And GC Services continued collection efforts without verifying disputed debts, another violation of federal law. 

The FTC sanctions shed light on GC Services’ long track record of aggressively bending or breaking consumer protection laws to collect debts.

Aggressive Tactics and Faulty Practices  

Aside from federal violations, consumer advocacy websites like are flooded with GC Services complaints of relentless harassment, intimidation, and abusive communication. 

For example, many consumers report receiving up to 15 calls daily from different GC Services numbers even after requesting no further contact. 

Others say they were misled about wage garnishments, GC Services gave false information to credit bureaus, illegally inflated balances, or attempted to collect expired debts. 

These complaints align with the collection of horror stories from my interviews with GC Services debtors nationwide. 

The majority described feeling threatened or harassed by collectors who called excessively, failed to verify debts, lacked documentation, and used morally questionable tactics to pressure payments.

Targeting Low-Income Consumers

Public records indicate that GC Services collects disproportionately from low-income individuals. 2016, the company came under fire when the New York Attorney General found GC Services had misled 9/11 first responders about insurance payments and medical fees. 

Many of these first responders suffering from health problems could not afford treatment and were hounded relentlessly by the company.

In various lawsuits, GC Services is also accused of explicitly targeting veterans, elderly social security recipients, and unemployed consumers struggling with medical debts and personal losses. By collecting millions in disputed fees from those least able to pay, GC Services reaps massive profits while vulnerable consumers suffer.

How to Protect Yourself from Unlawful Collections 

If GC Services contacts you attempting to collect a debt, beware—you may become their next victim. Here are some tips to protect your rights:

  • Request written validation if you dispute the debt or believe you do not owe the amount claimed. GC Services must prove its claim.
  • Submit a written cease and desist letter if collectors are harassing you. Under the FDCPA, they must stop contacting you. 
  • Learn your state’s statutes of limitations. You cannot be sued for old debts past your state’s time limit.
  • Never confirm false debts—this resets the collections timeline.  
  • Report FDCPA violations to the FTC and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This creates a paper trail of complaints.

The Bottom Line

GC Services has earned over $700 million in government contracts funded by taxpayer dollars. Yet its continued flouting of state and federal laws begs the question—does the company deserve our business?

Given its track record, dealing directly with GC Services can be risky. The wisest course is retaining legal counsel to halt collections harassment and protect your rights under the FDCPA. 

If you need an attorney to fight back against GC Services or any unlawful debt collector, contact the consumer law experts at Rahman Legal. With over a decade of experience, Rahman Legal can help end harassing collections calls while seeking maximum financial compensation.

Don’t let debt collectors like GC Services take advantage of you. Know your rights—and consider seeking legal assistance from reputable consumer protection lawyers.


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