Tips to Avoid Becoming an Identity Theft Victim

identity theft

We live in a time when identity theft is more common than ever. In large part, this is due to us living in the digital age, which, unfortunately, often makes our personal information vulnerable to hackers and other types of scammers. Further, criminals are adapting to the times and exploiting both our nation’s most vulnerable members, such as senior citizens, but also taking advantage even of those who stay abreast of the most recent tricks and scams. That said, there are certain steps everyone can take to help avoid becoming victims of identity theft. Taking these simple steps can save you a great deal of stress and hardship in the long run. Please continue reading and reach out to a dedicated New York City identity theft victim lawyer from our firm to learn more about how you can avoid becoming a victim and how our Manhattan legal team can help if you have been made one. Here are some of the questions you may have:

What are the most common types of identity theft in Manhattan?

As you can imagine, there is a wide range of ways in which a person can be made a victim of identity theft. Just some of the most common types of identity theft that we see are as follows:

  • Senior identity theft
  • Domestic identity theft
  • Unauthorized bank transfers
  • Digital signature fraud
  • Phishing scams
  • Unauthorized bank transfers

How can I avoid becoming a victim?

To avoid being made a victim of identity theft in Manhattan, there are various things you should be made aware of. Some of the most important tips regarding protecting yourself from an act of identity theft are as follows:

  • Always shred documents and letters containing sensitive personal information once they are no longer being used.
  • Always get your mail as soon after it arrives as you can. Thieves will sometimes literally reach into someone’s mailbox and remove mail.
  • Keep different passwords for different accounts, and do not use obvious passwords.
  • Understand that the IRS or any other governmental agency will not call or email you–they will only send you letters via mail. If you receive an email allegedly from one of these entities, it is a scam and you need not reply.
  • Carefully inspect any link you receive in an email before clicking it. Sometimes even seemingly trustworthy emails from “reputable” sources are scams. Once you click the link, a hacker will have access to personal information stored on your computer.

Unfortunately, sometimes, taking these steps is not enough. That said, if you are a victim of identity theft, our Manhattan consumer lawyer is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.

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