It’s not uncommon for people to find inaccuracies in their credit reports. However, when attempting to resolve these issues, credit reporting companies aren’t always the most helpful. In fact, they can be quite the opposite. If you need assistance correcting any inaccurate account information, our firm is on your side. Contact a knowledgeable NYS inaccurate account information disputes lawyer from Rahman Legal today to schedule your initial consultation with our dedicated legal team.
Inaccurate Account Information Disputes Lawyer | Here for Clients throughout NYS
Here at Rahman Legal, we understand just how frustrating it can be to deal with credit reporting agencies. Often, pointing out discrepancies can lead to a long, drawn-out dispute. If you’re facing a dispute of any sort, it’s always best to proceed with a seasoned New York credit report lawyer in your corner. Fortunately, you’re in the right place.
Disputes Involving Inaccurate Account Information
There are few things more important than having a strong credit score. When inaccuracies prevent that, people can experience significant hardships as a result. Still, inaccuracies found in credit reports are fairly common. In fact, according to one study conducted by Consumer Reports, roughly one-third of Americans found at least one error on their credit report. Just some of the most frequent errors on credit reports are as follows:
- Data management errors
- Errors regarding personal information
- Balance errors
- Errors with reporting of accounts statuses, such as closed accounts being reported as open accounts
What We Can Do for You
Though discovering any sort of inaccuracy can lead to an aggravating experience, there are things you can do to resolve the matter, and our firm can help. To resolve an inaccuracy, we’ll likely have to speak with the Credit Bureau, the furnisher, and a wide range of additional entities. If they refuse to comply, we can pursue a claim of inaccurate credit reporting, which, if successful, should allow you to recover compensation for the damages you’ve sustained as a result of the error(s).
Don’t Wait–File Today
The statute of limitations in place for reporting credit reporting inaccuracies is, in most cases, two years from the date you discovered the error or within five years of the date the violation occurred, under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. That said, the sooner you act, the better. We are here to listen to your story and determine the best strategy going forward.
Contact Us to Handle Your Dispute
Though this is a stressful time in your life, you can have peace of mind with the right legal team in your corner. Rahman Legal is here to help. Contact us today so we can get working on your case.