Understanding the Risks: A Closer Look at Consumer Complaints Against Portfolio Recovery Associates

Portfolio Recovery Associates, one of the largest debt collection agencies in the United States, claims to make debt repayment fair and affordable. However, the company has received thousands of consumer complaints over its questionable practices. 

By taking a closer look at the complaints against Portfolio Recovery Associates, we can better understand the risks consumers face when dealing with this company.

Aggressive and Abusive Collections Tactics

Many consumers have reported aggressive, harassing behavior from Portfolio Recovery Associates, including excessive phone calls. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has received over 2,500 complaints about the company’s conduct, with consumers reporting repeated calls up to 10 times daily. 

This harassment can take a severe toll – one consumer said the frequent calls from Portfolio Recovery Associates made them fear answering their phone.

Beyond frequent calls, consumers have accused the agency of abusive language, threats to family members, and even calls to consumers’ workplaces. 

These tactics violate consumer protection laws, like the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. However, the stress and anxiety can be severe for the individuals subjected to these practices.

Improper Debt Collection Practices

Along with harassment, Portfolio Recovery Associates has been called out for collecting debts that were settled, paid off, or too old to be legally pursued. Consumers who paid off debts years ago are hounded again by Portfolio Recovery Associates trying to extract more money.

In other cases, the agency attempts to collect on debts that do not even belong to the consumer they are targeting. Without verifying debt details before pursuing collections, Portfolio Recovery Associates exposes people to the confusion and chaos of dealing with debts they do not owe.

Failure to Resolve Consumer Disputes

When consumers try to dispute questionable debts with Portfolio Recovery Associates, many report being met with resistance. 

The Better Business Bureau has called out the agency for failing to respond to consumer disputes appropriately. This leaves consumers frustrated and still dealing with the unfair burden of debts they do not owe.

Your Rights Under the FDCPA

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) prohibits collectors from using abusive, deceptive, or unfair practices when collecting debt. Under the FDCPA you have the right to:

  • Stop calls after requesting no further contact
  • Sue for damages from harassment like repeated calls
  • Dispute and verify questionable debts
  • Prevent calls to employers, family, or at inconvenient times

Collectors who violate these protections may face penalties or fines.

Disputing Credit Report Errors

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) allows you to dispute and correct any inaccurate information on your credit report related to debt collection. If you dispute an item with Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion, they must investigate and remove unverified or incorrect information.

Getting Legal Help with Debt Disputes

Trying to resolve issues with collectors on your own can be challenging. An experienced consumer protection lawyer can help you:

  • Understand your rights under the FDCPA, FCRA, and other laws
  • Draft effective letters to request debt validation or stop contact
  • Negotiate with collectors and correct credit report errors
  • File lawsuits if collectors violate your protections

If you need help dealing with debt collectors, contact a consumer lawyer today for a consultation. You don’t have to handle it alone.

Schedule a Consultation with an NYC Consumer Attorney

At Rahman Legal, our attorneys have over a decade of experience helping NYC residents with debt collection harassment

Contact us today to discuss your situation and legal options for resolving the issue. We’re here to help you gain clarity and peace of mind.

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